Welcome Swappers
Sponsors and Donations

Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Thank you Tulsi!
WELL, this year we didn't send out Christmas cards and my husband was getting BUNCHES of them at work. So I immediately put those cards to use by giving them to my husb. for work! AND I picked up the package on Sat. On Sunday, we were headed to my mom's to celebrate Christmas with my side of the family. I was giving my brothers and sister a jar of pickels and a letter about the rest of their gift but I hadn't gotten anything to package their gifts...enter Tulsi's gift bags!
Everything was timely and thoughtful and I'm a grateful girl.
Lori Lynn
PS. I took one of the little cookie tins to hold my darning needles, stitch markers, and stitch holders! Now I have the cutest winter stitch-holder box in my knitting bag!
Monday, December 22, 2008
December Swapers

- Bev sends to Tulsi
- Tulsi E sends to Lori Lynn
- Lori Lynn sends to Monique
- Monique sends to Lysbab
- Lysbab sends to Kalysa
- Kalysa sends to Jennifer L
- Jennifer L sends to Bev
Friday, December 19, 2008
Thank you Angel Monique

Monday, December 15, 2008
December swap received.

I posted on my blog and this is the same thing. My Craft Swap partner, Bev, is so generous. What a fun, fun, fun package. I'm so excited and can't wait to do all of it. I couldn't capture it in one photo. I'll list a rundown and hope I don't forget anything. She sent a bowl full of things fun. White baby booties!! :) A baby afghan in crochet pattern book, afghan hook, lovely butter yellow soft yarn, Sugar and Cream yarn to make dishcloths from a pattern also sent, handmade dish rags, Christmas bear that Mikele will claim, 2 cute ornaments. One of them is also a cookie cutter with chocolate! Scrapbook supplies and a mini scrap book. I may have missed something since there were so many things to see. I can do some things on the way to CA in the car! Bev knows that I'm expecting a grandbaby.
Thank you so much, Bev. I love it all. Now what to do ?
Saturday, December 6, 2008
It arrived

A package from Kalysa arrived to day!! Thank you so much. I love the jewelry and the things to make some on my own so much. This is such a fun package. I'm going to make some crochet Christmas stockings for Brie's tree with the crochet thread!! After I look through the magazines. I may change my mind!
Thursday, December 4, 2008
Thanks for my package
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Thank you Tulsi

Monday, November 24, 2008
Sheila rocks!

I got this lovely package today in the mail. Sorry for the lousy picture but our camera broke and so we can't see what we're photographing. We just get surprised when we download it to the PC!
Anyway, I received all of these things in an orange handle bag. (I love handle bags) A slate painted with Jack-O-Lanterns that says "Trick or Treat." A bag of Lindor Truffles, dark chocolate. (Dark Chocolate is my favorite!) 3 skeins of Lily Sugar 'N' Cream cotton. It is the loveliest shade of yellow, which is my favorite color. And a Lily pattern book. I want to make everything in this book. It has the neatest ideas. I'm thinking my Christmas gifts may have to wait because I must make some of those organizer bins in the book! Maybe my family will agree to celebrate Christmas late this year?
Thanks so much, Sheila. I loved everything!
Lori Lynn
Sunday, November 23, 2008
Hi Reina
Your wonderful package has arrived , and I just love everything!!!Thank you very much for all the lovely things you send.
I have been trying to post photo's but unfortunately because of our computer problems I'm not able to post them. I will try it agin soon an d hopefully I can post them than.
Thursday, November 20, 2008
News Alert!!!!!

Thank you for being part of the swap and I hope you enjoyed your time at Crochetoholic's Swap!!!!
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
October Swap
Did you get a chance to ship my package for Oct? Debb was asking for those who were missed in Oct. and I didn't know what to say. I know you were hospitalized, and I completely understand. But then you said you were ready to ship and I haven't heard anything since then.
Lori Lynn
Monday, November 17, 2008
Sunday, November 16, 2008
Have a lovely sunday.
Saturday, November 15, 2008
Angel in Need

Friday, November 14, 2008
Gina Are You still Out there?
Thursday, November 13, 2008

Wanted to remind everyone that you can click on anyone's name in the
Also a reminder that you need to post a "thank you" on the blog along with photos of the packages you receive...It is a good thing to photo the package you are sending too, just in case your partner does not have a camera....
Monday, November 10, 2008
Welcome New Members and Partners are Up!!!

I have out of town company coming in today so I have been cleaning like a "mad" woman....But I wanted to say welcome to two new members and also assign partners...

- Bev ......sends to......Michelle
- Michelle.....sends to.....Lori Lynn
- Lori Lynn..sends to.......Marylyn
- Marylyn....sends to.....Kalysa
- Kalysa...sends to......Tulsi
- Tulsi......sends to......Crochetoholic
- Crochetoholic.....sends to........Bev M
Have fun and try and send out your package BEFORE the holiday....!!!!
Friday, November 7, 2008
Thank You Lori Lynn
Thank you so much!
Thursday, November 6, 2008
Sign Up for November Swap

The long fleshy skin that hangs over a turkey's beak is called a snood.
The color of a wild turkey's naked head and neck area can change blue when mating.
Male turkeys are nicknamed "toms" while females are called "hens."
When turkeys reach maturity they can have as many as 3,500 feathers!
Faster than a speeding bullet--Wild turkeys can run up to 55 miles an hour! so ladies don't try to catch one for this year as he might out run you! LOL
You will send your swap partner:
- A pattern related to any Thanksgiving decoration or theme or something with a Fall theme
- All the notions and yarn to complete your pattern
- Fall colored ribbons, beads, or buttons [see your partner's likes]
- A Thanksgiving or Fall Surprise gift
- A Thanksgiving or "warm" favorite recipe
- One Thanksgiving or fall tablesetting, napkins, tablecloth, placemat, centerpiece, or ??
- A crochet or knit magazine from the month of November
Ok now comment and sign up for the swap! Happy Swapping ladies.....
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
October Swap
Friday, October 31, 2008
And since we don't know how long it will take to fix it my husband instaled our old computer. But when I wanted to post here it didn't work. So I called my husband again and hopefully it will work now.But I lost my info about my october swap partner. I hope that it can be emailed to me again.
I guess from now on when I received that kind of information I will print it out right away.
Thanks ,
Thursday, October 30, 2008
One coming to Rebecca
I'm just getting this into the wire, so I apologize. You'll have to wait until next year to wear your socks! BUT, my husband will be mailing your package tomorrow from Harrisburg. I hope you enjoy it!
Lori Lynn
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Welcome 2 New Swappers

A little about Kalysa: "She is a author, a thread bear artist, a master crochet artist, a beginner knitter, and I can do just about all crafts. She also enjoys beading. She has written several of her own crochet patterns and hopes to do more in the future." Visit her at:
A little about Tulsi: "She likes to crochet mostly with thread. She is not much of a doily user, but those and tablecloths are her favorites, although she does pull them out alot, and if she gives them away, then those ones are perfect. She makes afghan's, booties, etc with yarn. She also sews, tole paints, scrapbooks, blogs, arranges flowers, leaves, whatever the season. She does photograph and frame them for her house. She is an avid reader. She wishes she could knit. Her son is currently at Army Basic Training/ AIT and will be home the middle of Nov. He will have been away 18 weeks. He has had this goal for at least 10 years firm. He said it's the right thing to do for him. And then off to the University. Both he and her husband are National Guardsmen. Her husband of 27 years that is." You can visit with her at: http://www.thefamilyawaits.blogspot.com/
Monday, October 27, 2008
Friday, October 24, 2008
Thursday, October 23, 2008
I think I am in love!!!!
I wasn't really expecting something today but what a welcome surprise it was!!!

There was TWO (2) count them...One...Two skeins of Rowan kidsilk yarn just for me! I am coveting it right now at my desk. It is so soft and loevly...it is my new friend. CathyCh sent a long a shawl pattern for me to try. I can not wait.
WIth the adorable Halloween socks came some yummy monster mash mix, some tape worms fruit chews,a nd some before and after mints.
And, if you didn't know before then you know now....I am addicted to making dish cloths and wash cloths. There was a really neat booklet on making these...the best of lily I think it is called.
I just love everything and am so appreciative. Thanks Again Cathy...it was awesome!!!
Big Swap Hugs!!! {{{Hugs}}}
Marlene C
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Friday, October 17, 2008
Thanks to Brandy
P.S. Reina I have sent your package at long last. So sorry for the various delays.
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Thank you!!!
I'll post a picture as soon as I can find the adapter for the camera.
Update: I found the adapter. I'll photograph tonight :)
Thank you !!
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Monday, October 13, 2008
Reina...your October Box is in the mail!
Love this swapping stuff!!!
Marlene C
Friday, October 10, 2008
October Sign Ups

As usual if you want to swap in October then comment here and I will add you to the October Swap list...The theme for this month will be a lot of fun because you have a huge selection with the stores all decked out for the Halloween holiday.
October: Halloween is at the end of the month so I think doing a Halloween theme will work out. Some trivia: Orange and black are Halloween colors because orange is associated with the Fall harvest and black is associated with darkness and death, although I love black and I do not associate it with death at all. Jack o’ lanterns originated in Ireland where people placed candles in hollowed-out turnips to keep away spirits and ghosts on the Samhain holiday. Pumpkins come in white, blue, and green. Tootsie Rolls were the first wrapped penny candy in America. 90% of parents admit to sneaking goodies from their kids’ Halloween trick-or-treat bags.
And a cute Joke: How do you fix a jack-o-lantern?
[Ans: With a pumpkin patch. LOL LOL LOL]
You will send your partner:
1. A pattern related to any Halloween decoration or theme or something with a fall theme if your partner does not like Halloween.
2. The yarn to complete your project
3. All the notions required to complete the project
4. An orange or black or black and orange pair of socks or anklets
5. A bag of candy [wrapped]
6. A surprise Halloween or Autumn gift that you think your partner might like
Have fun and remember the package needs to be mailed by the end of the month and you must include at least all the above items to swap!!!
Swappers :
Crochetoholic Debb sends to Sheila S
Cathych sends to Marlene
Monique sends Brandy
Marlene sends to Reina
Samantha sends to Cathych
Lori Lynn sends to Rebecca
Gina sends to Crochetoholic Debb
Brandy sends to Samantha
Sheila S sends Lori Lynn
Rebecca sends to Gina
Reina sends to Monique
Thursday, October 9, 2008
Things to Remember

Tuesday, October 7, 2008
Show and Tell

Monday, October 6, 2008
Thank you Patty
Welcome New Swapper
Sheila S' Wish LIst
I love to make..... fingerless gloves, sweaters, wraps, afghans
I really want to make...... an afghan for each of my kids
My favorite yarns are..... soft and dark
My wish pattern is...... a shrug that doesn't just look like a short sweater
My favorite hooks or needles are..... I really don't have favorites...
I really wish I had..... more time ;)
My favorite colors are... black, grey, purple
My hobbies... theatre, writing, bellydance
My kitchen theme and colors.. "green faerie"/abs in the, so green, black, silver
My bathroom theme and colors... theatre, deep red and black
My dislikes.... pink, super girlie stuff. gold.
My crafts..what I like.... crocheting, home decorating, sewing
My allergies... anything with too perfumy a smell will set off a migraine.
My favorite pets... rats, toads
My favorite scents... vanilla, ginger
My favorite novels or magazines... Vogue, anything in the Bukowski/Kerouac vein
Other stuff about me... I'm a married mom of four. I work full time in a cancer research hospital, but have a part time job editing. in addition to all that, I own my own business and try to participate in bellydance classes.
About the Blog Invites

Saturday, October 4, 2008
Thank You Crochetoholic!

Friday, October 3, 2008
'Thank you's' and 'I'm sorry's'
THANK YOU SOOOOOOO MUCH LISA! I do love the hook and everything else as well.
Also Marylyn-Your Package is getting mailed out tomorrow. I am so sorry for the delay. I certainly hope it will be worth your wait. Not sure how long shipping will take from the states...let me know when you get it. My apologies!
Thursday, October 2, 2008
Becky Package on the Way

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Lori Lynn
I GOT IT!!! Your package is so wonderful. I love everything!! THANK YOU SO VERY MUCH! Madi was so excited that she got something especially suckers. Max loved his dog treat. The needles, pen, and the scarf and doily you made are so awesome. As you can see I think Layla smelled her treats.lol Again thanks so much. hope to repay you one day.
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Monday, September 29, 2008
The package is in the mail...
My husband dropped your package off at the post office at 4 PM this afternoon. Let me know when it arrives. I'm anxious to see how long it takes to get to TX! Sorry I waited until almost the last day. I hope it's worth the wait!
Lori Lynn
- cookies
- baby outfits with iron on Halloween patches
- stickers with beady eyes
- Halloween stickers
- "P" stationary
- fun pencils
- Horehound candy
- Halloween confetti
- patterns for crocheting baby blankets

Saturday, September 27, 2008
Thursday, September 25, 2008
I'm really sorry!
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Hello All Swappers
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Lookie, lookie what I got!!!

I loved everything and am so thankful. Thank you, thank you, thank you, Marlene!
Monday, September 15, 2008
Let's Sign Up for the Sept. Swap Ladies

As usual if you want to swap in Sept...???? then comment here and I will add you to the Sept. Swap list...
The theme for this month will be a lot of fun because you choose:...
Surprise Me Month, Trivia: To possess a white elephant was regarded(and still is regarded, in Thailand and Burma) as a sign that the monach was ruling with justice and the kingdom was blessed with peace and prosperity. Because the animals were considered sacred and laws protected them from labor, receiveing a "gift" of a white elephant from a monarch was both a blessing and a curse: a blessing because of the animal's sacred nature and a curse because the animal could be put to no practical use.
You will send your partner:
- A surprise pattern for a ???
- Enough yarn for the project
- All the notions required
- A fancy pen or pencil
- A package of stationery
- A pattern booklet or stitching Novel. [any kind like Liesure Arts publishes, or a book by Debbie Macomber or Maggie Sefton]
- A surprise "White Elephant"gift???? [something you have that is handmade]
Have fun and remember the package needs to be mailed by the end of the month and you must include at least all the above items to swap!!!
Swappers :
- Crochetoholic sends to Becky
- Whitney A sends to Lisa
- Lisa M sends to Brandy
- Brandy M sends to Marylyn
- Marylyn M sends to Reina
- Monique sends to Whitney
- Lori Lynn sends to Samantha
- Becky R sends to Monique
- Samantha sends to Marlene
- Reina D sends to Patty C
- Patty C sends to Crocetoholic
- Marlene C sends to Lori Lynn
Package on it's way to Lori Lynn
I do hope you enjoy it!
I loved doing this swap and look forward to all the new friends!!!
Marlene C
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
Marlene's Wish List
I love to make.....baby items for my service project and adult hats and scarves.lap blankets and dish cloths!!!
I really want to make......oh, anything really
My favorite yarns are.....soft and I love pinks
My wish pattern is......all my patterns are free one's one the web, so I don't know.
My favorite hooks or needles are.....all different ones
I really wish I had.....more time, can you help with that?
My favorite colors are...Pinks and blacks
My hobbies...needlecrafts, crafting, sewing, quilting, blogging, photography, and cooking/baking
My kitchen theme and colors. Red, red, and red
My bathroom theme and colors...Beachy, sand and shellsMy dislikes....liver, rap music, and noise.
My crafts..what I like....I love it all.
My allergies...no known allergies
My favorite pets...my cat, Thomas Jefferson and our two geckos
My favorite scents...floral bouquets.hydrangea especially
My favorite novels or magazines...biographies and novels, no sci-fi or scary stuff (I am a big wimp!)
Other stuff about me...I am a creative soul who is an Environmental Research Analyst by profession, I am currently engaged, with a lot of kids ranging in age from 6 to 21.I live on the Chesapeake Bay in Norfolk, VA and I am addicted to cotton fabrics and yarns.
Monday, September 8, 2008
Welcome 2 New Swappers

Sunday, September 7, 2008
Welcome to a New Swapper

Tuesday, September 2, 2008
Becky's Wish List
Are you a knitter or crocheter?? CrocheterI love to make..... amigurumi and sweaters
I really want to make......something using thread
My favorite yarns are.....anything softMy wish pattern is......amigurumi or sweater patterns
My favorite hooks or needles are.....I only have metal ones, would like to try some other kinds
I really wish I had.....A needle case
My favorite colors are...Blue, purple and green
My hobbies... reading, crocheting, paper crafting, some jewelry making, learning new crafts
My kitchen theme and colors.. Don't really have any right now..I'm working on it
My bathroom theme and colors... Yellow, blue, white (seashore) and Green, pink, white with a little purple (frogs)
My dislikes....Smoking, Dust, Dirt, Clutter....the typical stuff.
My crafts..what I like....Anything! I enjoy crocheting hair accessories,hand bags,socks and dishcloths/towels. Anything that's unique will appeal to me.I also like cotton thread.I love anything to pamper myself like lipgloss, lotion, shower gel, nail polish...all the girly stuff but I'm allergic to sunscreen so i'd prefer stuff without it. I enjoy fun whimsical socks, clothes and accessories. Actually anything fun and whimsical will find a place in my life! I guess that's all the updates for now!
My allergies...sunscreen
My favorite pets...Dogs
My favorite scents...rose and lavender
My favorite novels or magazines...Beauty, crafts, crochet, papercrafts, Fashion, Historical novels or supsense and mystery
Other stuff about me... I live in the country with my husband, oldest son and a variety of cats and dogs. I'm am always fighting the battle with dust (in the summer) and mud( in the winter). Maybe that's why I dislike them so much! I work in an office and really enjoy using my free time for crafting, reading or pampering myself! I have a vegetable garden in the summer; that's about the only gardening I do because the deer and wild turkeys eat everything else! I've been swapping for quite a few years and have learned to limit myself to just a few swaps at a time so that it continues to be fun and not stressful!
Welcome New Swapper

Ah...just like me!!! :)