One of these days I'm going to make a greeting card that says, "God Used You!" on the front. Tulsi would definitely get one. On Saturday I got a wonderful Christmas package. I can't take a picture as our camera is really on the fritz, but I will describe it to anyone still reading this blog. It had two magazines, Interweave Felt, and a Holiday Decorating magazine; a box of Christmas Cards, 6 Christmas gift bags, a package of red tissue paper, a cute red mug with snowflakes on it, some sugar 'n' cream with their best of dish cloths book, and two neat tins with cookies in them.
WELL, this year we didn't send out Christmas cards and my husband was getting BUNCHES of them at work. So I immediately put those cards to use by giving them to my husb. for work! AND I picked up the package on Sat. On Sunday, we were headed to my mom's to celebrate Christmas with my side of the family. I was giving my brothers and sister a jar of pickels and a letter about the rest of their gift but I hadn't gotten anything to package their gifts...enter Tulsi's gift bags!
Everything was timely and thoughtful and I'm a grateful girl.
Lori Lynn
PS. I took one of the little cookie tins to hold my darning needles, stitch markers, and stitch holders! Now I have the cutest winter stitch-holder box in my knitting bag!
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This is a Swap Blog where anything goes...We welcome crocheters, knitters, stitchers, all crafters. We will swap books, yarn, pen pal letters, post cards, or anything we desire! So come on in and grab that cup of tea or java and sit a spell and sign up, you'll regret it if you don't!!! It's fun! It's simple! And it's Swap madness!!!!!!!!!!!
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****If anyone is interested in Donating or Sponsoring prizes for the contests, please email Crochetoholic and you'll be given an advertising link in the sidebar and more advertising in posts throughout the swap, and on all the other associated blogs. See the sidebar for the link to donate $$$ for the "Yarn Fund." ****Also, if anyone cares to make buttons, that's always appreciated! And you will be sent a small gift for every accepted button.

1 comment:
I am so glad there were things included that liked. I'm also glad it arrived in time to be useful.
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