Welcome Swappers
Sponsors and Donations

Wednesday, May 30, 2007
Shawnee- Be on the Lookout
Mary! (Vegasangelbrat)
Bernie, your swap is brought to the postoffice
I just want you to know that I have brought your package to the postoffice today so watch your mailbox.
Hi JoAnn! Be on the LQQKOUT! :)
Tuesday, May 29, 2007
~ Mail Call for Sherry ~
Please Vote

Monday, May 28, 2007
Thank you Lesliej!!!
Beautiful jewel tone stitch markers w/hearts on the marker, a skein of Plymouth Fantasy Naturale (one of my fave cottons) & a 2nd skein plus Kool Aid so I can dye my own as well as various other goodies including a hand stamped bookmark.
I'll post a pic as soon as I find the adaptor for my camera---my media card is smaller than the standard size & won't fit in my thumb drive! Grrrrrr.
Thank you again Leslie!! I'd say that you rock but we've had this discussion before! xox!!
Friday, May 25, 2007
Vote, Rules, to All Monthly Swappers

Ok ..let's have a vote...do you all want to take a summer break and return back in September to swap again, or do you want to continue swapping through the summer...Please cast your votes here on the blog or email me so that I can decide....
Please be sure to read all the directions for each month's swaps or check out the messages here to be sure that you understand all the "ins and outs" of each swap.
Lastly be sure to post your thank yous and when you mail and receive for all your appreciation. Always contact your partner so she is not left out in limbo land and email me if there are any problems..And on a major note...PLEASE be sure to clear my email in your mail area so that my emails do not go into your junk folders!
Wednesday, May 23, 2007
I sent my stitch markers
Priscilla aka Summersgirl
Beaded Stitch Marker Partners

- Debb-Patt
- Patt-Priscilla
- Priscilla-Robin
- Robin-Shanda
- Shanda-Joann
- Joann-Gina
- Gina-Barb
- Barb-Judy
- Judy-Connie
- Connie-Monique
- Monique-Bernie
- Bernie-Judy
- Laurie-Mary B
- Mary B-Shawnee
- Shawnee-Nicola
- Nicola-Lesley
- Lesley-Laurie
- Judith-Cathy
- Cathy-Debb
- Mary A-Dawn
- Dawn-Sherry T
- Sherry T-Mary A
I need help!!
Tuesday, May 22, 2007
Craftybernie's Wish List
My favorite colors:
Pinks & reds, Blues, Browns, Purple/lilac, Olive & earthy tones
My not so favourite colours:
Yellow, Bright Orange, Bright Green,
My hobbies:
Crafting, Some Gardening and Sewing.
My kitchen theme and colors:
No theme as we haven't redecorated since we moved to this house. I have a colour scheme in mind using fresh colours such as - blue or turquoise, cream or beige, with a red accent perhaps...
My bathroom theme and colors:
Neutral - beige tiles, pine bath panel & accessories
My dislikes:
Vanilla candles - eugh!
Really coarse mohair.
My crafts:
Crocheting, Knitting, Sewing, Wet Felting, Cardmaking & other paper crafts, Beading (jewellery making and seed bead weaving), Scrapbooking, Napkin Decoupage, Quilling, Embroidery & Cross Stitch, Making Flower Fairies (http://www.fairystuff.blogspot.com), Dyeing yarn,
My allergies:
I have eczema so I can't knit or wear cheap and nasty acrylic although some acrylic/wool blends are ok though.
My favorite pet:
My kitty, the sweet and lovely mademoiselle Jade. Jade is a rescue cat and is now 4. She is very chatty and playful and has only just this winter started to sit on our knees rather than beside us on the sofa. Yay!
My favorite scents:
Cinnamon, Rosemary, Lavender, Bergamot, Christmas Spices,
Other stuff about me and things I want to learn to do:
I am a chocoholic and adore milk chocolate and praline. Yum yum.
I am a magpie at heart and love beads and shiny objects. I am not afraid to take apart old jewellery if I see beads that I like!
I want to learn how to use a drop spindle and spin some wool this year. Not that I need another hobby but it would be fun to understand how it all works.
I also want to make my first complete pair of socks this year. I had a go last year and quite enjoyed working with the DPNs but I never finished them. Maybe I should invest in a book???
I wish I could go fabric shopping (we don't have a huge selection of fabric shops here on the island). I like to mix different prints and tend to recycle old clothes etc to get the look I want.. If I could go to a large department store or a specialist fabric shop I would buy blue or brown fabric with white or pink polka dots, pink/brown ditsy floral print fabric, and a coordinating stripe fabric in blue/white or red/white.
I love to felt and really need to restock my wool pile. It doesn't have to be expensive wool. As long as it felts I could put it towards a bag or tote. I buy my wool from the local charity shops to keep the cost down. But every now and then I'll treat myself to some lovely wool from knitshop.co.uk.
I collect silk flowers from charity shops and recycle them to make my flower fairies. It would be nice to be buy some silk flower petals rather than taking apart old silk flowers as it can be a dirty and dusty job!
I enjoy making dens with my daughter and I would love to have a cottagey/vintage floral corner in my garden, with fabric buntings and floaty fabrics.
Saturday, May 19, 2007
Friday, May 18, 2007
my wish list
My favorite colors: blues, purples, greens
My hobbies... crocheting, reading, gardening, baking
My kitchen theme and colors.. flowers, cats, white & blue
My bathroom theme and colors... blue & yellow
My dislikes.... not that picky...
My crafts.. crocheting, embroidery, some applique
My allergies... heavy perfume,
My favorite pets... cats: PussyFoot, Spike & Arnie. Bunny: Cadbury
My favorite scents... Vanilla, lilac. petunias
Other stuff about me...ahh, my sons just moved out of the house & I am wondering if I'm too happy to finally have a craft room to be sad about the empty nest.
Crochetoholic Debb's June Tote Bag Wishes
2. Do you like bright colors? Dislike colors? I like colorful colors the brighter the better
3. Do you like plastic handles or other? I like other softer kind for the bigger bags and plastic for the smaller bags
4. Do you like knit or crochet bags? Either will work for me because it is handmade I will love it.
5. What do you put in your tote/beach bags? Well in my tote bags I put lots of yarn, hooks, scissors, latest crochet magazine, hand cream, lip gloss, aspirin, pen and pencil, and in my beach bags I still have my yarn for my current project and also my fav reading book and some sun block, a water, book mark, keys, mirror, towel, hat, sun glasses, and anything else I can sqeeze in there like a note pad and patterns to look through.
my preferences for the tote/beach bag swap.
2. Do you like bright colors? Dislike colors? I like bright colours, don't like very dark colours.
3. Do you like plastic handles or other?Either one will do.
4. Do you like knit or crochet bags?I like both and can do both.
5. What do you put in your tote/beach bags?I would love to use it for my knitting/crochet projects.
Thursday, May 17, 2007
Priscilla's (aka Summersgirl) Wish List
- Favorite colors: Greens (all shades), Reds & Pinks
- Hobbies: Knitting, Crocheting, reading, digital photo projects, blogging, computer graphics
- Kitchen theme and colors: Natural stone, Browns, tans, gold, black
- Bathroom theme and colors: Natural stone, browns, tans
- Dislikes: Yarn that splits, metal knitting needles (not too much)
- Crafts..what I like to do when I am not knitting: knitting, crocheting, sewing, a little bit of quilting.
- Allergies: none
- Pets: I have 2 cats and a snake
- Favorite scents: vanilla, strawberry, coffee.
- Other stuff about me: I work out at Curves and diet with Weight Watchers, I like to crochet & knit for my new baby niece.
- Collections: I just started collecting angels, in honor of my son Jake.
Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Hello everyone..I am posting some things to remember to do:
- 1. post your "Wish Lists" here or on your blogs,
- 2.Email your partner to let them know who you are,
- 3.get your packages out before the end of the month,
- 4.be sure to post here when you send out your package,
- 5.if you don't see your partner's "Wish List" check the older posts at the bottom of this page, see the Beaded Stitch Marker rules,
- 6.and post your "RAVES" here when you receive your package with a photo, and have fun making your Beaded Stitch Markers!
If anyone has any questions just email me! Swap on!!!
Just a Reminder For Voting and Swapping

June Swap Questionnaire Answers - JoAnn P
Do you like bigger or smaller tote/beach bags?
Do you like bright colors? Dislike colors?
Do you like plastic handles or other?
Do you like knit or crochet bags?
What do you put in your tote/beach bags?
Tuesday, May 15, 2007

- Contact your pal as soon as you have your partner. It is a quick thing to do if you do it right away. Or try sending them a Hallmark’s e-card site, or stop by their blog and leave a comment. Some of the swappers are new and are really excited so lets make their first experience a good one.Actually take the time to read your pal’s questionnaire and blog.
- They’re there to tell you about your pal and their knitting.crocheting and crafting habits, yarn disasters, yarn love, pattern desires, things they want to learn, don’t know about, love to do, and can’t wait to try. It will give you ideas and help you give them things they will enjoy.
- If you’re partner has no blog then email and they might be able to answer questions for and you may just make a friend!
- Send things you would want to get. There’s nothing wrong with sending from your stash. So long as you aren’t sending old, raveled, stained, or broken items. If you wouldn’t want to receive it then don't send it to your partner.
- Try to meet the deadlines. Life happens. If there is any problem in sending your package be sure to email me Be sure to let your partner know immediately. Email them or drop a note to say your going to be late.
- Say thank you. Either post it here or on your blog, and be sure to let your partner know if you post it to your blog so they can take a peek at it. and always take a picture to share with the group. We all want to see. If your package was not what you thought it might be just remember that your partner is a stranger who is doing her best to please you, thank her anyways and enjoy what you received.
- The main thing here is to have fun and enjoy the surprise gifts we get and to make new friends!
I hope you all have a great swapping experience! Crochetoholic Debb
Shanda's Questionnaire
My hobbies... Knitting, Scrapbooking, reading
My kitchen theme and colors.. Country Farm Theme (cows, roosters, sunflowers) Reds, Yellows etc.
My bathroom theme and colors... Garden theme, muted blues, browns & lavender
My dislikes.... Not picky about much!
My crafts..what I like.... Knitting Knitting Knitting :) I love to make socks right now
My allergies... None
My favorite pets... Dog: Annie, Cat: Sylvester, Turtle: Homer, 2 fish
My favorite scents... Vanilla, Peach, Coconut
Other stuff about me...This is my first swap and I am looking forward to it! Not much more to add :)
Monday, May 14, 2007
My preferences for the tote/beach bag swap
Most of my bags are big, so I would like a small one for small projects.
2. Do you like bright colors? Dislike colors?
Not too bright, but not too dark.
3. Do you like plastic handles or other?
Either one will do.
4. Do you like knit or crochet bags?
I like both and can do both.
5. What do you put in your tote/beach bags?
I will use this for small projects.
aka Summersgirl
All Magic Yarn Ball Swappers

Sorry I'm Slow to Thank Marylynn
I just got a chance to photograph the wonderful package you sent for the Easter Magic Ball Swap. I LOVE everything!!! You know how to do a yarn ball, girlfriend! Please look at my goodies!!
My daughter helped me unroll all the goodies. Please look: beautiful pink wool (British) yarn, a little bunny, the cutest little buttons, ribbons, lavendar incense and beautiful handerchief, a bar of vegetable soap, lambie pen, sparkly crochet hook, needle threader, buckle, and adorable clips. Oh, a cute cross necklace that's already on so not in the picture! I hope I didn't forget anything. I appreciate it all -- thanks so much, Marylynn!!!!

Friday, May 11, 2007
Judith"s June Tote/Beach Bag Kit Swap Answers
I am way easy to please. Any size bag is great, any color.
I would rather have the handle be long.
Knit, crochet, fabric bags; love them all.
I will use my bag for a project tote.
One thing, send nothing sented, please....
Thursday, May 10, 2007
June Tote/Beach Bag Kit Swap Questions

Hi Gals...For the Tote/Beach Bag Kit Swap I think we will have a few more questions:
- Do you like bigger or smaller tote/beach bags?
- Do you like bright colors? Dislike colors?
- Do you like plastic handles or other?
- Do you like knit or crochet bags?
- What do you put in your tote/beach bags?
Ok post your answers here or on your own blogs.
Tuesday, May 8, 2007
Kool Aid Dye Jobs

This is my attempt at self striping yarn. It was a barrel of laughs, and a couple of tears when it tangled after it was dry and I tried to wind it up. Whew!! But I did get it, haven't tried knitting it yet tho, so I don't know how wide the stripes will be. This was knitpicks Pallet yarn. I think it's pretty, will let you all know when I knit something with it.
Mary A
Monday, May 7, 2007
Saturday, May 5, 2007
Magic Ball Swap Recieved

This is a scan, no digital camera here............I received these things from Connie
for the magic ball swap! Lovely yarn, yummy candy, great crochet book, and to top it off a tote bag!
She also sent me 2 sachet packets that I had to give away because of alergies. This is my fault for not mentioning this little fact about me. They smell good though.......
Thank you so much for everything, Connie,. you made my day!
Friday, May 4, 2007
Whoo Hooo! My Surprise Arrived-Thanks Michelle!!!!
Wednesday, May 2, 2007